Sins II: Ship Series - The TEC Argonev Starbase

Published on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 By Yarlen In Sins II Dev Journals

Argonev Background

Although recognized as powerful battlestations, the Argonev-class starbases began their lives as civilian structures created by the Prast United. Prior to the war, the Argonev served as orbital cities where families lived, major commerce hubs were established, and ships serviced on their treks across Trader space.

By War Year 15 the TEC had determined that these massive bases would need to be repurposed for the war effort. Many of the civilian accommodations were removed to free up space for military hardware and construction facilities; and new defense and weapons systems were added throughout.

Now 20 years after their initial military conversion the TEC factions have made the Argonev more deadly than ever before.

Sins II Today vs. 2023 Model

We first looked at the Argonev starbase back in 2023, but its visuals have come a long way since then. You can see it in the image below for reference:


The current model of the Argonev has gotten a major glow-up by comparison:

TEC Argonev - Default - 2025 - 1920.jpg

As you can see, there’s much more detail on the model thanks to improved greebling and texture use. The windows and lighting were also updated to be less monochromatic and interesting.

Of course, these visual enhancements haven’t made the Argonev any weaker in-game. It’s still a powerful defensive force players can deploy or are forced to deal with.

TEC Argonev - Enhanced - 2025 - 1920.jpg


  • 32 x Medium Autocannon Turrets

  • 16 x Light Autocannon Turrets

  • 16 x Point Defense Autocannon Turrets

  • 4 x Heavy Beam Turrets (Optional)

  • 4 x Heavy Missile Arrays (Optional)

  • Up to 14 strikecraft squadrons (Optional)

Defense Upgrades (Optional)

  • Defensive Overhaul (I-III): Each level increases the starbase’s max hull points, hull regeneration rate, max armor points, armor regeneration rate, max shield points and shield point regeneration rate.

  • Additional Shield Generator (2 levels): Installs an additional shield generator aboard the starbase and rigs it to come online rapidly whenever the main generator fails. Also grants the starbase the Shield Burst ability.

  • Planetary Shield Array: Adds a large shield projector to the bottom of the Argonev that projects a defensive shield around its parent planet, preventing damage to the surface.

Utility Upgrades (Optional)

  • Docking Booms: Restores the Argonev’s Docking Booms which lets the starbase repair nearby friendly units and restore antimatter reserves.

  • Construction Bays: Installs large scale manufacturing facilities that allows the starbase to construct corvette, frigate and cruiser class vessels.

  • Trade Facilities: Reactivates the dormant large cargo handling bays on the starbase, allowing it to act as a trade hub, and providing additional export points.

  • Safety Override Protocol: An ‘upgrade’ of last resort. Engineering crews override all safety protocols on the starbase’s central reactor, causing it to go supercritical. The resulting explosion destroys the starbase and does immense damage to all objects in the blast radius.