
What is Sins of a Solar Empire?

Sins of a Solar Empire II is a real-time strategy game with many traditional 4X elements (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate). You take the role of leader of one of the game’s factions in order to build a stellar empire using force, trade, alliances, subterfuge and more.

What are the core features of a Sins of a Solar Empire game?

Starting on your homeworld, you begin by exploring your local system. Each area in the game is pre-populated, however, so to expand you will need to use force of arms. To do this, you’ll construct capital ships, cruisers, frigates and strike craft to take over the planets around you. With each world, you can increase your empire’s capabilities and specialize your planets. You’ll also build research labs to learn new technologies and to unlock new ships. Eventually you’ll encounter another major player and it’s at this juncture you must decide if you want to try and be friends or not.

What is the difference between the Standard Edition and Premium Edition?

Check out our purchase options grid, here. Content will be released in the future as they become available.

How do I provide feedback and bug reports?

Please visit our forums to let us know what you think.

I purchased Sins of a Solar Empire II on Epic Games, can I get a Steam key for it?

The promotion allowing you to transfer your Epic Games Sins of a Solar Empire II key to Steam has officially ended as of September 16, 2024. Thank you to everyone who participated! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

I own Sins of a Solar Empire II on Epic, what are my purchase options for getting the Content Pass or Premium Edition?

You can purchase the Premium Edition or the Content Pass via Epic.

What's in store for Sins of a Solar Empire II?

We've looked at the requests users have made, what we'd like to add to the game, and the feedback in general since release on Steam. Here is our initial roadmap for the next few months.


Does multiplayer work between Epic and Steam?

Yes, our multiplayer system runs in the cloud and the only difference is which platform validates ownership.

How many players does the game support?

Sins of a Solar Empire II supports up to 10 players in single-player, multiplayer or LAN.

What quality of life features does multiplayer offer?

Major improvements have been made to Sins of a Solar Empire II based on our experience with the original game:

  • Matchmaking is now based in the cloud.

  • Games can be joined via a 4-character code.

  • Games can be joined in-progress, without players having to restore from a save game, if there’s an available slot (if enabled).

    • Human players will take over AI empires in this case.

    • Save games are still supported.

  • Humans who drop can rejoin games, or if unavailable, will be taken over by the AI.

  • Mod content is now auto-sync’d across players when using the in-game mod system.

Are you going to integrate streaming support (i.e, Twitch)?

There are no plans to integrate streaming services.

Will there be MacOS or Linux versions?

There are no plans for supporting MacOS or Linux officially.

Will there be a campaign?

No, Sins is meant to be a sandbox game first and foremost. We will be releasing a campaign as an expansion.

Are you going to support Steam Deck?

We’d like to support it, but this may not happen until some point in the future.

What languages does the game support?

At launch we will support the following languages:

  • English

  • French

  • Italian

  • German

  • Spanish (Latin America)

  • Indonesian (coming after 8/15)

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Portuguese-Brazil

  • Russian

  • Thai

  • Vietnamese (coming after 8/15)

  • Simplified Chinese

Voice overs are expected to only be in English at release.

Mod Related

Do you support mods?

Yes! Mods are a big part of why Sins of a Solar Empire continues to be enjoyed and played by so many. Sins II features an in-game mod manager and viewer, making it easy to add mods to your game. Furthermore, we automatically sync any mods that are used in multiplayer (so long as it’s in our mod system). The mod workshop can be visited at: https://mod.io/g/sins2

Will there be a map creator?

Definitely. The map creator will be part of the overall mod tools release later this year.

How do you plan to support the game?

We plan to continue supporting Sins II with regular updates into the future. Many will be free; others will be DLC.

What are the limits of the game engine?

The engine will make use of however many CPU cores and RAM as your system has.

How many triangles does the engine support per unit type?

To maintain performance, we recommend the following targets:

  • Strikecraft = 1500

  • Frigate = 12500

  • Cruiser = 25000

  • Capital Ship = 75000

  • Titan = 225000

Note: these values do not include the turrets, just the base mesh.

Will there be support for mesh animations?

We hope to add this at some point in the future, but there’s no timeline for it.