Starbase factory can't build garrison
Published on Tuesday, December 27, 2022 By
Garrisons are a new mechanic in Sins 2. A planet can have its own logistics supply for the sole purpose of building ships for planetary defense. When your factories are idle, they will produce garrison ships at no cost to you. The ship factories will continue to build ships so long as there is garrison supply and you aren't using them. Garrisons can be used to protect the home planet or attack or defend planet 1 just out. You can get garrison supply by building the garrison planet component. Each can supply the planet with 100 to 200 garrison supply each.
Well, the TEC starbase has a ship factory as one of its upgrades, so I thought they might also build garrison ships when the build queue was empty. Unfortunately, I was disappointed when they would not build garrison ships. Please fix this so they can build garrison ships.