Linux Multiplayer/LAN desync

Published on Thursday, August 15, 2024 By chsjr1996 In Sins II Bug Reports

Hello! I know that this games runs only on Windows, but on SOAS 1 I can play on LAN/Multiplayer using Steam+Proton without errors.

But now inside Heroic Launcher + Proton GE when I try to join on LAN/Multiplayer the game show an error about processor mismatch architecture, this expect "AMD64" but receives "AMD64-wine". Then I changed the settings.json adding this config:

"game_client.debug.override_processor_architecture": "AMD64"

Now I can join on match, and send/receive message from another players, also see the ships moving, but after some minutes the game show this error on a dialog:

Dialog message.txt


And on error log file:

Log error.txt

After this error I can click on 'skip all' on this dialog and game continue to running, and I can still send/receive chat messages, but the ships from another player stops to move.

Again, I know that this game requires Windows, but on SOAS 1 it's possible. Can I use some workaround to make possible to play the LAN/Multiplayer on Proton/Wine, maybe?


Thanks for this awesome game