AI unfair settings need a revision
Published on Thursday, December 26, 2024 By
I played some 1 vs 1 maps several times as TEC Enclave vs AI-TEC Enclave/Advent unfair, agressive. Some maps can be played extremely close (f.e. Cynosian Rift-AI-TEC Enclave, random 1 vs 1 map) but others (Power Struggle, Return to War, Cynosian Rift>AI-Advent Wrath) are impossible to play.
The AI settings are not well balanced in my opinion: the fewer planets between the two home planets, the less playable these maps are. Basically, you are flooded by the AI very early on with an insane number of ships. “Unfair” should be very difficult as opposed to the ‘hard’ level, but at the moment the unfair settings usually lead to an unplayable soase 2.
The background to this is that the unfairAI basically receives additional permanent global resources of +5 credits/sec, +2 metal/sec and +2 crystal/sec. But that's not all: the AI receives an additional at once permanent bonus of +0.5 credits/sec, +0.3 metal/sec and +0.3 crystal/sec on each conquered planet/astroid - already without upgrading from commerce or mining.
Who is surprised that a game like this is simply abandoned? That's not "unfair" in my opinion, but nonsense for playing: owning 4 planets/astroids, the Ai gets + 3900 credits, + 1680 metal and + 1680 crystal resources within 10 minutes more than the human player, which is way too much and certainly leads to unplayable matches 1 vs 1. (btw:You can naturally forget to play the ai-level “Nightmare” 1 vs 1!)
I think, the unfair-settings need urgently a rebalancing and a revision.